
# $url (path, params, strict)

  • path
    type: {String} (default value: ./ )
    Absolute, relative or named path.
  • params
    type: {Object} (default value: {} )
    Parameters to be parsed to the URL.
  • strict
    type: {Bool} (default value: false )
    Preserve "/index" at the end of an URL

$url resolves paths relative to the page/layout file in which it is used. This ensures consistent URLs that are unaffected by the current browser address (unlike normal relative URLs).

You can also call the function $url() on any page to get the current path.

<!-- src/pages/recipes/cakes/cupcakes.svelte --> <script> import { url } from '@roxi/routify' //get current path console.log($url()) //'recipes/cakes/cupcakes' </script> <!-- relative --> <a href={$url('../../ingredients/sugar')}>Info about sugar</a> <!-- absolute --> <a href={$url('/ingredients/sugar')}>Info about sugar</a> <!-- named --> <a href={$url('sugar')}>Info about sugar</a> <!-- params --> <a href={$url('/users/:id', {id: '123'})}>Info author</a>
<!-- src/pages/recipes/cakes/cupcakes.svelte -->
  import { url } from '@roxi/routify'

//get current path
console.log($url()) //'recipes/cakes/cupcakes'

<!-- relative -->
<a href={$url('../../ingredients/sugar')}>Info about sugar</a>

<!-- absolute -->
<a href={$url('/ingredients/sugar')}>Info about sugar</a>

<!-- named -->
<a href={$url('sugar')}>Info about sugar</a>

<!-- params -->
<a href={$url('/users/:id', {id: '123'})}>Info author</a>

If used in a component outside of a layout or page, the url will be relative to the layout or page which imports the component.

A named path is a path that doesn't start with . or /.

To name a page, add the name meta tag:<!-- routify:options name="blog" -->

# $isActive (path, strict)

  • path
    type: {String} (default value: ./ )
    Absolute, relative or named path.
  • strict
    type: {Bool} (default value: true )
    Preserve "/index" at the end of an URL

$isActive Checks if the provided path is part of the current route.

<!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte --> <script> import { isActive, url } from '@roxi/routify' const links = [ ['./index', 'Home'], ['./about', 'About'], ['./contact', 'Contact'] ] </script> {#each links as [path, name]} <a href={$url(path)} class:active={$isActive(path)}> {name} </a> {/each}
<!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte -->
  import { isActive, url } from '@roxi/routify'

  const links = [
    ['./index', 'Home'],
    ['./about', 'About'],
    ['./contact', 'Contact']

{#each links as [path, name]}
  <a href={$url(path)} class:active={$isActive(path)}>

# $goto (path, params, static, shallow)

  • path
    type: {String} (default value: ./ )
    Parsed by the url helper.
  • params
    type: {Object} (default value: {} )
    Parsed by the url helper.
  • static
    type: {Boolean} (default value: false )
    Render URL without redirecting.
  • shallow
    type: {Boolean} (default value: false )
    Use the layouts of the goto's parent instead of the target.

Navigate programatically.

<script> import { goto } from '@roxi/routify' $goto('../go/here') </script>
  import { goto } from '@roxi/routify'
For redirects, use the alias $redirect. This will omit the redirecting page from the browser history.

# $params

    Use $params to access parameters from the URL.

    <!-- /user/:userId/posts/:postId --> <script> import { params } from '@roxi/routify' console.log($params) /** {userId: 123, postId: 456} **/ </script>
    <!-- /user/:userId/posts/:postId -->
      import { params } from '@roxi/routify'
      console.log($params) /** {userId: 123, postId: 456} **/

    By default, the query handler uses the native URLSearchParams function. For more advanced usage, you can create your own queryHandler . The queryHandler is an object with a parse and a stringify method.

    <script> ... import { parse, stringify } from 'qs' const queryHandler = { parse, stringify } </script> <Router config={{queryHandler}} ... />
      import { parse, stringify } from 'qs'
      const queryHandler = { parse, stringify }
    <Router config={{queryHandler}} ... />

    # $metatags ()

      Set metadata and Open Graph data for the current page.

      Please refer to Guide/metadata.

      # $page

        Returns the node of the current page

        <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte --> <script> import { page, metatags } from '@roxi/routify' $: metatags.title = $page.title </script>
        <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte -->
          import { page, metatags } from '@roxi/routify'
          $: metatags.title = $page.title

        # $layout

          Returns the node of the current component

          <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte --> <script> import { layout } from '@roxi/routify' </script> {#each $layout.children as node} <a href="{node.path}">{node.title}</a> {/each}
          <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte -->
            import { layout } from '@roxi/routify'
          {#each $layout.children as node}
            <a href="{node.path}">{node.title}</a>

          # $leftover

            $leftover is the part of the URL that's unconsumed by Routify. Useful in widgets redirect. Often handled in _fallback.svelte.

            <!-- --> <!-- src/pages/docs/_fallback.svelte --> <script> import { leftover, goto } from '@roxi/routify' /** $leftover would be "de/i18n/intro" **/ const [language, ...fragments] = $leftover.split('/') /** After popping the language from the url we, piece it back together **/ const path = fragments.join('/') /** $redirect to "en/i18n/intro" **/ $goto(`/docs/en/${path}`) </script>
            <!-- -->
            <!-- src/pages/docs/_fallback.svelte -->
              import { leftover, goto } from '@roxi/routify'
              /** $leftover would be "de/i18n/intro" **/
              const [language, ...fragments] = $leftover.split('/')
              /** After popping the language from the url we, piece it back together **/
              const path = fragments.join('/')
              /** $redirect to "en/i18n/intro" **/
            Redirecting to the English page if the German page couldn't be found
            $leftover is composed by subtracting the parent folder of the _fallback.svelte from the current URL.

            # $beforeUrlChange (callback)

            • callback
              type: {Function(event):boolean}
              Function to be called before the URL is changed.

            $beforeUrlChange intercepts navigation in your app. If the provided callback returns false navigation is stopped.

            <script> import { beforeUrlChange } from "@roxi/routify" $beforeUrlChange((event, store) => { if(formIsDirty){ alert('Please save your changes before leaving.') return false } else return true }) </script>
            import { beforeUrlChange } from "@roxi/routify"
            $beforeUrlChange((event, store) => {
                alert('Please save your changes before leaving.')
                return false
              else return true

            # $afterPageLoad (callback)

            • callback
              type: {Function(page):void}
              Function to be called before URL is changed.

            Called after a page has been loaded

            <script> import { afterPageLoad } from "@roxi/routify" $afterPageLoad(page => { console.log('loaded ' + page.title) }) </script>
            import { afterPageLoad } from "@roxi/routify"
            $afterPageLoad(page => {
              console.log('loaded ' + page.title)

            # $isChangingPage 1.8 beta

              Returns true if a page is loading.

              <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte --> <script> import { isChangingPage } from '@roxi/routify' import Spinner from '_spinner.svelte' </script> <slot /> {#if $isChangingPage} <Spinner /> {/if}
              <!-- src/pages/_layout.svelte -->
                import { isChangingPage } from '@roxi/routify'
                import Spinner from '_spinner.svelte'
              <slot />
              {#if $isChangingPage}
                <Spinner />

              # prefetch (path, options) 1.8 betawip

              • path
                type: {String | HTMLElement}
                Path to preload. If HTMLElement is used, href attribute is used.
              • options
                type: {PrefetchObject}
                Parsed by the url helper.

              • validFor number Seconds the response is considered fresh and preferred over a new request
              • timeout number Milliseconds to leave a hanging prefetch
              • gracePeriod number Milliseconds to wait before closing a succesful prefetch. This time allows async resources like images to load

              Prefetch pages and cache their external requests.

              <script> import { prefetch } from '@roxi/routify' prefetch('/some/path') </script>
                import { prefetch } from '@roxi/routify'
              Prefetching with JavaScript

              <a href="/some/path" use:prefetch >go</a>
              <a href="/some/path" use:prefetch >go</a>
              Prefetching a link
              For redirects, use the alias $redirect . This will omit the redirecting page from browser history.

              # $focus (element)

              • element
                type: {HTMLElement}
                Focuses the element

              Focuses on an element. If multiple focuses are called at once, the one closest to the root takes precedence.

              <script> import { focus } from '@roxi/routify' </script> <h1 use:focus>Look at me</h1>
                import { focus } from '@roxi/routify'
              <h1 use:focus>Look at me</h1>

              # $ready ()

                Call $ready() to let Routify know that your app is ready to be rendered. This is mainly used for server-side rendering (SSR) where you want the server to wait for async data. If $ready is not present in your component, it will be rendered synchronously (instantly).

                Promise example
                <script> import { ready } from '@roxi/routify' let data = {}; fetch("") .then(response => response.json()) .then(json => {data = json}) .then($ready) </script> <h1>{} - {data.title}</h1>
                  import { ready } from '@roxi/routify'
                    let data = {};
                      .then(response => response.json())
                      .then(json => {data = json})
                  <h1>{} - {data.title}</h1>

                Await example
                <script> import { ready } from '@roxi/routify' let data = {}; getData() async function getData() { const res = await fetch(''); data = await res.json() $ready() } </script> <h1>{} - {data.title}</h1>
                  import { ready } from '@roxi/routify'
                  let data = {};
                  async function getData() {
                    const res = await fetch('');
                    data = await res.json()
                <h1>{} - {data.title}</h1>
                If $ready is present in your code, but never called, your app will never be considered loaded. This could cause issues like hanging SSR.

                # getConcestor (path1, path2)

                • path1
                  type: {Layout | Page}
                  First Page/Layout
                • path2
                  type: {Layout | Page}
                  Second Page/Layout.

                Takes two components and returns their closest shared layout and their sibling ancestors.

                <script> import { route, getConcestor } from '@roxi/routify' $: lastRoute = $route.last $: ([concestor, ancestor, oldAncestor] = getConcestor($route, lastRoute)) $: direction = ancestor.meta.$index - oldAncestor.meta.$index </script>
                  import { route, getConcestor } from '@roxi/routify'
                  $: lastRoute = $route.last
                  $: ([concestor, ancestor, oldAncestor] = getConcestor($route, lastRoute))
                  $: direction = ancestor.meta.$index - oldAncestor.meta.$index
                getConcestor is used by getDirection to determine the direction when navigating.

                # getDirection (path1, path2)

                • path1
                  type: {Layout | Page}
                  First Page/Layout
                • path2
                  type: {Layout | Page}
                  Second Page/Layout.

                Takes two components and returns the difference between their sibling's ancestors meta.$index.

                <script> import { route, getDirection } from '@roxi/routify' $: lastRoute = $route.last $: direction = getDirection($route, lastRoute) </script>
                  import { route, getDirection } from '@roxi/routify'
                  $: lastRoute = $route.last
                  $: direction = getDirection($route, lastRoute)

                Writing good documentation that is up-to-date is difficult. If you notice a mistake, help us out.